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Change log entry 67428
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-05-30 08:48:36 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64024 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Commentary in the People's Daily

[...] 中国有关部门已经多次发表严正声明,中美两国产业链高度融合,互补性极强,正所谓合则两利、斗则俱伤,贸易战没有赢家。奉劝美方不要低估中方维护自身发展权益的能力,勿谓言之不预!

{ The U.S. must not underestimate the ability of the Chinese side to hit back
[...]The relevant Chinese government departments have said in many solemn statements that the U.S. and Chinese supply chains are highly integrated and complementary, and that with cooperation both benefit but with fighting all is hurt, so a trade war has no winner. May we offer a bit of advice that the U.S. not underestimate China’s capability to safeguard its own development rights and interests; don’t say we didn’t warn you! }


<< The last phrase, “don’t say we didn’t warn you,” is 勿谓言之不预 wù wèi yán zhī bù yù in Chinese.

It is “generally only used by official Chinese media to warn rivals over major areas of disagreement, for example during a border dispute with India in 2017 and in 1978 before China invaded Vietnam,” according to Reuters.

But more recently, it has been used several times without severe action following, notes New America cybersecurity fellow Samm Sacks. >>




+ 勿謂言之不預 勿谓言之不预 [wu4 wei4 yan2 zhi1 bu4 yu4] /(idiom) don't say you haven't been forewarned (threat used by the PRC in international diplomacy)/
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