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Change log entry 67424
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2019-05-29 05:17:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63001 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I have reworked the lit. part. I think it's an improvement in the wording.

TP ~ [Last year the college sponsored five or six seminars on the subject to try to make up for the gap.]
Nevertheless, "distant water is of little use in putting out a fire right here." A few seminars can have about as much impact as "a glass of water on a roaring blaze." Recently, some anxious parents have convened several public seminars in an effort to guarantee their children's right to an education.

With demand for turtles and their products growing worldwide, there isn't enough time to wait for humanity as a whole to get clear about chelonian ecologies and adopt protection measures and reasonable-use policies.

"With regard to the future job market and characteristics of the unemployed, we will work to develop new occupational categories." Though such future measures are of little immediate help, the direction Lin Tsong-ming is pointing to is already quite clear.

At this point in time, I still think we've got to use legal means and education to address what are admittedly symptoms of a deeper problem.

[Sean Fu points out that so long as operators of e-papers do not get antsy, and take the long view, there's considerable room for growth in the paid-subscription field.]
Yet, "distant water cannot put out a nearby fire." What can e-papers do to make profits now?

Science experiments by children at Tajen Elementary School in Taichung City also showed what big eaters the fish are: one weighing just 0.6 grams can eat around 300 mosquito larvae in a day. Paradise fish really are mosquito hunters worthy of the name. But sadly this is of little help in the fight against the disease-carrying bugs, for paradise fish are now so rare that they are listed as a Grade 2 endangered species.

Although society is full of conflicting opinions, those who are eager to promote English-language study have greeted the prospect of importing foreign teachers with considerable enthusiasm.
- 遠水救不了近火 远水救不了近火 [yuan3 shui3 jiu4 bu5 liao3 jin4 huo3] /lit. water from afar quenches not fire; fig. urgent need/a slow remedy does not address the current emergency/
+ 遠水救不了近火 远水救不了近火 [yuan3 shui3 jiu4 bu5 liao3 jin4 huo3] /water in a distant place is of little use in putting out a fire right here/(fig.) a slow remedy does not address the current emergency/
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