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Change log entry 67406
Processed by: monigeria (2019-05-21 15:04:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64009 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. Both 印第安 and 印地安 have millions of Google (verbatim) hits.

Google Verbatim hits show that 印第安 is favored on .cn sites and 印地安 is favored on .tw sites.

Also TP suggests that 印地安 is favored in Tw:
印地安 - 53 hits
印第安 - 18 hits

2. 漢語翻譯時直接把「西印度人」這個單詞翻譯成「印第安人」或「印地安人」,免去了混淆的麻煩,到目前仍為最普及的用法。

3. 印地安 is a headword in K.
印第安 is in PLC, GR and K.

4. TP examples for 印地安 ~
Nonetheless, some Amerindian tribes have legends which say that their ancestors came from across the sea by jumping from stone to stone,

Four years ago, when Xu went to visit a large Indian fair in Oklahoma City,


we turned the corner and saw an old Indian woman sitting on the sidewalk begging for money,

Today's Mexico is a patchwork of Indian and Spanish culture:

In the legends of Native Americans,
# 印第安 印第安 [Yin4 di4 an1] /(American) Indian/native American/indigenous peoples of the Americas/
+ 印地安 印地安 [Yin4 di4 an1] /(Tw) (American) Indian/native American/indigenous peoples of the Americas/also written 印第安[Yin4 di4 an1]/
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