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Change log entry 67255
Processed by: richwarm (2019-03-28 04:25:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63901 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I think it can mean livery as Pleco suggests; I've seen examples where 号衣 refers to a non-military uniform, but since this is the meaning all dictionaries agree on and also the one in the text where I first read this word, for now this is the only one I'm suggesting.

n. military uniform M:²jiàn/tào 件/套

livery or army uniform


| 唐.高駢〈閨怨〉詩:「如今又獻征南策,早晚催縫帶號衣。」

名 旧时标志士兵、当差者等身份的制服。

正啃得起劲,就看到十几匹大马、马上驮着头戴红缨子凉帽、身穿滚红边灰布号衣 的兵勇,从刑部的大院子里拥出,在那条刚刚垫了新鲜黄土的大道上嗒嗒地奔跑。

相反,他们却远远地看见,一伙身穿号衣 的兵丁,正骑着马,从城门那边如狼似虎地冲过来,见人就用鞭子抽,用刀背打。不用问,刚才那一场造成许多人死伤的大乱,就是这伙恶棍强行驱赶的结果。


Most striking to the Euro-American observers was the white, round patch of about 20 to 30 centimeters in diameter, sewed to the front and the back, showing Chinese characters that either stated the bearer's name, his unit affiliation, or both. The army livery was therefore called haoyi or “marked dress.” In the eyes of foreigners, this “bull's-eye” symbolized that Qing soldiers were no better than dummies for target practice. [...] The soldiers of the Newly Created Army initially still looked very much like their predecessors, wearing a version of the haoyi with huge characters indicating their unit affiliations.
"The Body and Military Masculinity in Late Qing and Early Republican China", by Nicolas Schillinger

Despite modern military equipment, the soldiers of the Beiyang army and navy still fought in the traditional uniform (haoyi) during the war of 1894–5. The uniform varied in colour according to the regiment, but basically consisted of a wide jacket with insignia on the back and front, that is, a round badge with the regimental number of the soldier and the name of his commander.
"Pictures of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895"

"... wearing the regulation haoyi (jacket with insignia). The round badge, which adorned both front and back of the jacket, bore the number of the soldier's regiment and the name of his commander."
"Changing Clothes in China: Fashion, History, Nation"

Wp ~ 士兵的平常服裝,不甚嚴格,一般多穿雜色短衫。遇有行軍打仗之時,則穿號衣。老年士兵可以不穿號衣,雖無官職,也允許穿著短襖。
# 號衣 号衣 [hao4 yi1] /(old) military uniform/
+ 號衣 号衣 [hao4 yi1] /jacket worn esp. by soldiers in former times, with large insignia on the front and back indicating unit affiliation/
By MDBG 2024
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