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Change log entry 66651
Processed by: richwarm (2018-11-05 19:59:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63160 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
However, the Taipei city government decided to list Wistaria House as a landmark.

And at a recent board meeting it was decided to simply declare the company bankrupt.

These examples also show that it's not necessarily "of a congress".

Editor: Julien, I had previously read that M-W definition of "congress" you quoted, but I still feel that "congress" is a term that makes it sound like a meeting that makes a 决议 has to be rather large-scale or high-level. In my second example above, it is a company board meeting. People don't call that sort of meeting a "congress". But I concede that "(of a congress)" wasn't all that bad :-)
- 決議 决议 [jue2 yi4] /resolution/decision (of a congress)/
# + 決議 决议 [jue2 yi4] /resolution/decision/to pass a resolution/
+ 決議 决议 [jue2 yi4] /a resolution/to pass a resolution/
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