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Change log entry 66649
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-11-04 18:50:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 63164 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
0) "get the ball rolling" turns out to be Collins' definition of 抛砖引玉, but it occurred to me before I saw that :-)


1) Here is an example for 抛砖:

But 抛砖 as a "standalone word all by itself" doesn't seem to be all that common.
GV results
"借此抛砖引玉" ~ About 15,400 results
"借此抛砖" -引 ~ About 226 results
"想抛砖引玉" ~ About 33,300 results
"想抛砖" -引 ~ About 1,070 results
And in TP articles, 抛砖 is always followed by 引玉.
(No doubt, the 引玉 part is more often dropped in casual speech, though.)

My view is that if you have a decent (user-friendly) search engine, it should let you know when there is an entry containing your search term.
E.g. if you search for 抛砖, it should tell you that there is an entry for 抛砖引玉.
But I'm including 抛砖 in this sub due to popular demand!


2) "commonplace remarks as a foreword to a distinguished speech"
This is rather embarrassing.

a) "foreword" is an inappropriate word. It is usually
- an introductory part of a *book*, not a *speech*
- written by someone *other* than the author

b) "commonplace" and "distinguished" are similarly both poor choices of words.


3) It can be more figurative than our current definition suggests.
e.g. 砖 and 玉 can both refer to some *action* rather than making a verbal proposal. (See examples b, d, e, f & g below.)
In example (b), for example, 砖 refers to placing bikes at stations for the public to use, and 玉 refers to citizens to using bicycles more.


4) Examples:

a) 政府還可以藉拋磚引玉、提出區域金融合作的解決方案,供各國參考。
The government could come up with ideas for others to build on, and put forward plans for regional financial cooperation for other countries' consideration.

b) 除此之外,台北市交通局也獲捷安特捐贈一千輛特別設計的公共自行車,將放置於捷運站、國小、公園等地,供民眾自行取用,藉此拋磚引玉,吸引市民重新踩上踏板。
In addition, Giant has presented Taipei City's Bureau of Transportation with 1000 specially designed bicycles. These will be placed next to MRTS stations, primary schools, parks and other places where people congregate, for the use of the public when they wish. The aim of this scheme is to encourage citizens to take up cycling again.

c) 不管是台上加起來兩百歲、嘶啞著滄桑嗓音賣力演出的「縱貫線」,或是台下青壯孩子拋磚引玉的200大,都證明了流行音樂是台灣不能失去的重要資產;

d) 友達拋磚引玉卻不怕被後繼者比下去,因為他們的減碳工程也已在加速進行中。
By the way, AUO has no fear of giving the game away here so that their competitors follow suit, as they are already moving even faster to implement carbon-reduction projects.

e) 本設計競賽期以拋磚引玉的角色,讓台灣深耕已久的傳統小吃以及從夜市發跡的多項特色美食,透過年輕族群的創意設計力融入台灣飲食文化,
the competition represents a modest attempt to give traditional Taiwanese snacks a new image by bringing the younger generation’s design prowess to bear on Taiwan’s food and beverage culture.

f) 《光華》在同年10月刊出〈尋找台灣美感地圖〉報導,點出台灣雖然有許多優秀的藝術家,但在公共空間卻看不見美感。《光華》攝影團隊全台走透透,拍回台灣各地公共空間與藝術結合的照片,希望拋磚引玉,為台灣社會注入更多美感。
In our October 2004 issue, the article “Charting the Aesthetic Map of Taiwan” pointed out that although Taiwan had many outstanding artists, Taiwan’s public spaces could not be described as beautiful.

g) 邱景墩也大膽嘗試,在去年首次舉辦了青少年文學獎競賽。他說這是他的夢想,也得到文化部的補助,對象鎖定為設籍台中市的青少年,比賽項目分為散文、小說、新詩三大類,雖然第一年投稿數量不如預期的多,但邱景墩期待藉此拋磚引玉,鼓勵更多孩子勇於在文字上表達想法,他說:「希望透過閱讀的力量,以書為師,讓孩子開創出嶄新的文字創造力。」
Another tactic that Qiu has tried is to use tabletop games, for which there has been a recent fad in Taiwan, to get children into the bookstore and become accustomed to spending time there. At first they can simply enjoy the pleasure of interacting with others and having some fun. If from there they can turn to the bookshelves and take out a book to read, then that’s all to the good.
- 拋磚引玉 抛砖引玉 [pao1 zhuan1 yin3 yu4] /lit. to throw a brick to attract jade (idiom); fig. I offer a humble remark, please give us your valued opinion (e.g. commonplace remarks as a foreword to a distinguished speech)/
+ 拋磚引玉 抛砖引玉 [pao1 zhuan1 yin3 yu4] /lit. throw out a brick and get jade thrown back (idiom)/fig. to attract others' interest or suggestions by putting forward one's own modest ideas to get the ball rolling/
+ 拋磚 抛砖 [pao1 zhuan1] /to get the ball rolling (abbr. for 拋磚引玉|抛砖引玉[pao1 zhuan1 yin3 yu4])/
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