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Change log entry 6653
Processed by: miles (2008-12-03 13:10:30 GMT)
+ 鳯 鳯 [feng4] /male phoenix/firebird/
+ 鳯凰 鳯凰 [feng4 huang2] /phoenix/firebird/
- 楠 楠 [nan2] /Machilus nanmu/
- 柟 柟 [nan2] /Machilus nanmu/
+ 楠 楠 [nan2] /Machilus nanmu/Chinese cedar/Chinese giant redwood/
+ 柟 柟 [nan2] /variant of 楠, Machilus nanmu/Chinese cedar/Chinese giant redwood/
- 楠木 楠木 [nan2 mu4] /Phoebe zhennan/
+ 楠木 楠木 [nan2 mu4] /Phoebe zhennan/Machilus nanmu/Chinese cedar/Chinese giant redwood/
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