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Change log entry 66430
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-09-11 08:37:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62920 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The lit. meaning is not "forced to crawl ...".
It is "the *humiliation* of being forced to crawl ..."

Apart from that point, I have reworked the definition in a few other ways.

Ref: various dicts and

- 胯下之辱 胯下之辱 [kua4 xia4 zhi1 ru3] /lit. forced to crawl between sb's legs as humiliation (idiom)/humiliation/
+ 胯下之辱 胯下之辱 [kua4 xia4 zhi1 ru3] /lit. the humiliation of having to crawl between the legs of one's adversary (as Han Xin 韓信|韩信[Han2 Xin4] supposedly did rather than engage in a sword fight) (idiom)/fig. utter humiliation/
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