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Change log entry 66426
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-09-11 07:59:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62936 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I suggest removing "to examine".
You can examine something and be completely mystified as to what it is.
验定, on the other hand, is defined as 检验审定.
e.g. http://cd.hwxnet.com/view/mahhgjdhfhbgbflp.html
That means examine (检验) AND ALSO come to a determination (审定).

(Note: I'm not sure that our def for 审定 is very good. It's defined as 认真审查并作出决定 in GF.)

- 医生验定死亡原因是内出血,可能是内脏出血。
- 现场验定山东肯德基门质量好坏
- 我一个朋友三个月前被四人持刀砍伤,当时已经报警,之后经军医验定为轻伤二级,
- 驗定 验定 [yan4 ding4] /to test and determine/to examine/to assay/
+ 驗定 验定 [yan4 ding4] /to come to a conclusion about sth after examining it/to assay/
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