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Change log entry 66117
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-08-03 08:20:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62734 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
匯映 is the trad given in the dicts (LA, K, GR).

彙映 has a lot more G hits but I'm not sure it's "correct".
So I have left it in for now.
- 彙映 汇映 [hui4 ying4] /joint screening/consecutive screening of collection of movies/
+ 彙映 汇映 [hui4 ying4] /variant of 匯映|汇映[hui4 ying4]/
+ 匯映 汇映 [hui4 ying4] /joint screening/consecutive screening of collection of movies/
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