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Change log entry 65916
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-12 08:05:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62557 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
This really is just 小+利, but it's in so many dictionaries…
MoE's second sense is much more interesting but I haven't seen it anywhere else.

n. small gain; slight profit

1. 微小的利益。
| 《文选.潘岳.马汧督诔》:「忘尔大劳,猜尔小利。」
| 《三国演义.第二一回》:「干大事而惜身,见小利而忘命,非英雄也。」
2. 扒手、小偷。
| 《负曝闲谈.第九回》:「出门的时候,偶然忘记,这回被小利偷去了,才想起来。」也称为「小李」、「小绺」。

名 微小的利润或利益

You cannot reach your goal if you want to be quick, and you cannot accomplish great things if you seek petty gains.

The fisherman says: "If I give up the present small profit to seek an uncertain future large one, am I not a fool?"

This story means: Only a foolish man will give up the litter[sic] profit which he has and seek uncertain future large profits.

"in so many dictionaries"?
I didn't find it in any other dictionary, and I checked some big ones like New Century, Key and Grand Ricci.

We don't have to have a word just because it's in other dictionaries. In particular, Wenlin includes quite a few words that we wouldn't.

The last example (这个故事说明...) includes the word 大利, which isn't in any of the three dictionaries that you mentioned, nor in any other dictionary I checked. I don't think that makes it difficult to understand the sentence. Here's another one: 專營貿易而獲大利,... I don't feel I need to check the dictionary about that last word.

"This really is just 小+利."
That seems to be the case.
# 小利 小利 [xiao3 li4] /small profit/small gain/
By MDBG 2024
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