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Change log entry 65845
Processed by: monigeria (2018-07-03 09:36:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62465 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B: 全攻全守(Total Football)是一种足球战术理论。该战术理论最早英格兰名帅雷诺兹发明。荷兰名帅米歇尔斯师承雷诺兹,将全攻全守带到了荷兰国家队和阿贾克斯。与其他足球体系防守与进攻分工鲜明不同的是,在全攻全守体系中,场上的所有队员需要同时担当进攻和防守任务,因而对技术和体能有很高的要求。在1974和1978年世界杯上,采用这一战术的荷兰队两次获得亚军。

Netherlands coach Bert van Marwijk changed the "Total Football" of flair and spontaneity of the 1970s into "Result football," using cynical plotting for victory.

The aurathat surrounds the club’s youth development, and their holistic approach toeducation, is renowned world wide and follows in the rich tradition of the‘total football’ era of Johan Cruyff.

Cruyff was at the heart of the Holland team that earned a reputation of playing Total Football in the 1970s, and the pioneer of the style that earned the Dutch the reputation of being a joy to watch.
+ 全攻全守 全攻全守 [quan2 gong1 quan2 shou3] /total football (soccer)/
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