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Change log entry 65832
Processed by: richwarm (2018-07-02 00:29:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 62484 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
Just got called this for accidentally moving the screen while being passed an iPad.


Editor: The spelling "clutz" is not included in Oxford, American Heritage or Merriam-Webster, and I don't think I've seen it before, although Wiktionary includes it as an "alternative to klutz".

The examples below show that it doesn't relate specifically to electronics.

1) 手殘媽咪也會做!200道嬰幼兒主+副食品全攻略:電鍋、烤箱、平底鍋就能完成的0~3歲嬰幼兒美味健康餐!

2) http://www.new-chinese.org/chinesisch-vokabeln-shoucan.html
This webpage, which is in German, comes out like this when you run it through Google Translate:

"Whether eating with chopsticks or loosening the end of the tape on the Tesarolle - for many things in life you need a certain instinct. People who are particularly lacking in this are often mocked in the Chinese colloquial and Internet language as 手 残 (shǒucán). Meant are contemporaries, which we would call in German as "Tollpatsch" [oaf] or person "with two left hands". Of course, as the literal meaning in Chinese may suggest (残疾 cánjí adj "hindered, maimed, disability, malformation"), there is no actual disability in the hands, just a degree of clumsiness or clumsiness in dealing with one's own Tacking tools."

Three example dialogues:

- 这个包装怎么那么难打开啊,厂家怎么搞的。
- 哎哟,是你怎么搞的吧,你这个手残。来,给我。你看,不是很容易就打开了吗?
- 好吧。

- 哎哟! 老婆,快来,给我拿个创可贴,快点儿!
- 你怎么了?
- 被菜刀切了,快点儿啊,疼死我了。
- 天呐,你可真笨!只不过做个饭,就搞成这样。真是个手残!

- 妈的,又输了!
- 你还在玩儿wii啊!
- 嗯。
- 无不无聊啊你。快,把控制器给我。
- 干吗?
- 让你这个手残看看高手是怎么玩儿的。
# 手殘 手残 [shou3 can2] /clutz (with video games, electronics)/
+ 手殘 手残 [shou3 can2] /klutz/
By MDBG 2024
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