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Change log entry 65334
Processed by: richwarm (2018-03-29 09:58:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61987 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
v.o. change the course of events; retrieve a situation
bring about a radical change in the situation; reverse the course of events
乾坤, 指天地。扭轉乾坤比喻將局面整個轉變過來。通常是指由逆勢轉為順勢。如:「第九局下半的那支全壘打, 真是扭轉乾坤的一棒啊!」

Mainly, Wuhan’s leaders are counting on property prices to continue defying gravity, even if some analysts predict a coming crash.

This is her last opportunity to turn things around.

But recent history shows that technology can turn on a dime, so it’s not too late for Microsoft to turn things around.

A challenge is nothing but an opportunity turned upside down.

On the campaign trail Mr Obama showed an impressive ability to change gears.

He never expected the ads to reverse the downward trend overnight and thinks the anti-Japanese strategy is basically the way to go.

Beneath them are many more who have no hope of getting out, but – bitter and disillusioned by the behaviour of their superiors – are unable to turn things around.

Fierce competition has eroded Nokia's share of the market over the past year, and Microsoft fears that if it cannot get back in the game now, it may never manage it.

Editor: Thanks.

A few more examples:

In these adverse conditions, Deng succeeded in turning the situation around.

Faced with such an uncertain future, publishers are understandably concerned about how to entice readers. But an unknowable future with no correct answers can only be navigated by yielding to the greater ebb and flow, and dealing with each hurdle as it arises.

Only then were their dreams were finally vindicated and their fortunes reversed – they even found themselves able to hire two additional employees.
# 扭轉乾坤 扭转乾坤 [niu3 zhuan3 qian2 kun1] /to turn things around/to completely reverse a situation/
+ 扭轉乾坤 扭转乾坤 [niu3 zhuan3 qian2 kun1] /lit. to upend heaven and earth (idiom)/fig. to change the course of events/to turn things around/
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