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Change log entry 65290
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-03-20 11:02:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61926 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Web ~ “喜憨儿”是心智障碍者的统称,包括自闭症、唐氏综合征、智力障碍、脑瘫等。


TP ~ 鼓勵美妝班學員學以致用,幫辛苦的喜憨兒家長,畫上美麗的彩妝,讓他們得到安慰。推拿課程則傳授外籍看護者推拿技巧,用於照顧老人。
They are encouraging students in the TCU-T beauty care class to apply what they learn to giving the hard-working moms of mentally challenged children a makeover; it won’t solve their core problems, but they will feel better about themselves and be able to enjoy having someone else pamper them for a change.

As Taiwan has experienced a sharp decline in birthrates and the rapid aging of society, the mentally challenged have also been carried along by the tide. Intellectually impaired children also grow up and become elderly, and their movements become slower and more awkward just like everyone else's.
+ 喜憨兒 喜憨儿 [xi3 han1 er2] /(Tw) intellectually impaired child or youth (affectionate term)/
By MDBG 2024
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