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Change log entry 65281
Processed by: richwarm (2018-03-17 08:01:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61908 >>
The movie Yellow Earth is directed by Chen Kaige, not Zhang Yimou.

Editor: You're right, but we generally don't have entries for movie titles.
# - 黃土地 黄土地 [huang2 tu3 di4] /the yellow earth (of China) • Yellow Earth, 1984 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀 [张艺谋] (zhāng yì móu) <CC>/
# + 黃土地 黄土地 [huang2 tu3 di4] /the yellow earth (of China) • Yellow Earth, 1984 movie by Chen Kaige 陳凱歌 <CC>/
# Editor:
= 黃土 黄土 [huang2 tu3] /loess (yellow sandy soil typical of north China)/
= 黃土地貌 黄土地貌 [huang2 tu3 di4 mao4] /loess landform/
- 黃土地 黄土地 [huang2 tu3 di4] /the yellow earth (of China)/
- 黃土地 黄土地 [Huang2 tu3 di4] /Yellow Earth, 1984 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋[Zhang1 Yi4 mou2]/
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