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Change log entry 65278
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-03-16 14:08:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61912 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
矽膠 can refer to silicone rubber as well as silica gel, as the following quote from Wp points out:

矽橡膠有時也被簡稱為矽膠,但英文中矽膠(silica gel)和矽酮(silicone)是性質和用途不同的含矽化合物。

And the same is true of its PRC equivalent, as you would expect. For example, I bought a silicone rubber swimming cap yesterday, and the label said:
GBR: 3D moulded silicone swim cap
TWN: 三維製模矽膠泳帽
CHN: 三维制模硅胶泳帽

硅橡胶(英文名称:Silicone rubber),...
- 硅膠 硅胶 [gui1 jiao1] /silica gel/
+ 硅膠 硅胶 [gui1 jiao1] /silica gel/silicone rubber/
- 矽膠 矽胶 [xi1 jiao1] /silica gel (Tw)/
+ 矽膠 矽胶 [xi1 jiao1] /(Tw) silica gel/silicone rubber/
- 硅橡膠 硅橡胶 [gui1 xiang4 jiao1] /silicone/
+ 硅橡膠 硅橡胶 [gui1 xiang4 jiao1] /silicone rubber/
+ 矽橡膠 矽橡胶 [xi1 xiang4 jiao1] /(Tw) silicone rubber/
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