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Change log entry 65273
Processed by: richwarm (2018-03-16 07:25:28 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61635 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"tension" has seven different senses in this definition:
I presume it's sense 2a ~ "force tending to stretch or elongate something" that was intended.
But it's a very ambiguous definition, and 拉力 usually doesn't mean that, anyway.

"pulling force" is a much better gloss than "tension" in most cases.

e.g. "tension" is a confusing gloss in these examples:
one ox is not strong enough to break up the hard soil

many families will blame a child's running away on external forces that "pulled" the child away, yet very few will think seriously about what things in the family were "pushing" the child out.

Many impatient parents try to interfere by force, trying to get their children to go cold turkey. But research indicates that teens, being in their rebellious phase, are likely to take such forceful interference badly, becoming more convinced that their friends online are the ones that really understand them, and thus the harder the parents try, the more the children may throw themselves into the depths of the virtual world.


LA ~
1. 牽引、拉拖的力量。例 「牽引機的拉力大,才能拉得動大型貨車」。
2. 物體所能承受的牽引力量。例 「這種布料怎麼撕也撕不破,拉力真的很強」。

I see that as 1. pulling force 2. tensile strength

LA doesn't mention the quite common figurative meaning, though. See the TP usage below:

"Only solving the pollution problem and creating a special city character will produce real 'city charm.'"

Extramarital affairs are fueled by a push from within the family and a pull from without.

The deteriorating investment environment just now is a disincentive, but where are the new incentives?

"The draw of urban employment grew after the North Coast Highway opened in 1978, attracting many young Gong-liao residents to Tai-pei for jobs,"
- 拉力 拉力 [la1 li4] /tension/
+ 拉力 拉力 [la1 li4] /pulling force/(fig.) allure/(materials testing) tensile strength/
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