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Change log entry 65256
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-03-05 09:01:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61630 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The "lit" part looks off, and it's not necessarily a "literary" group, according to dicts.
GR ~ (idiom.) Le faisan argus et le phénix se réunissent : réunion d’hommes de valeur.
LAC ~ 鸞鳳飛集。比喻人才薈萃。鸞翔鳳集, 人才濟濟。
Z ~ 形容人才的聚集,像鸾凤的翔集
- 鸞翔鳳集 鸾翔凤集 [luan2 xiang2 feng4 ji2] /lit. firebirds soar, phoenix gather (idiom); a distinguished literary group/
# + 鸞翔鳳集 鸾翔凤集 [luan2 xiang2 feng4 ji2] /lit. firebird and phoenix come together (idiom)/a gathering of eminent people/
+ 鸞翔鳳集 鸾翔凤集 [luan2 xiang2 feng4 ji2] /lit. firebird and phoenix come together (idiom)/fig. a gathering of eminent people/
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