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Change log entry 65241
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-02-25 20:39:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61809 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
空降 [kōng jiàng]
空降 v. To descend from the sky. This Internet slang term is often used to describe someone (usually a star) or something that suddenly appears.

LA ~「救援人員和救援物資及時空降到災區」

they don't have to worry that suddenly a manager is going to drop out of foreign skies and replace them

[a huge sponge crab] stands motionless like a parked flying saucer,
(not an airborne flying saucer!)

[dragonflies] mate in flight, and dip only their tails in the water to lay their eggs

And with his heavy Cantonese accent when speaking Mandarin, Chang faced resistance in the kitchen. At first, the local cooks would fold their arms and give him cold looks. But over time they sensed his hardworking attitude, and he earned their tacit and explicit confidence.
- 空降 空降 [kong1 jiang4] /airborne/
+ 空降 空降 [kong1 jiang4] /to drop from the sky/(fig.) to appear out of nowhere/(attributive) airborne/
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