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Change log entry 65239
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-02-24 10:26:23 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61801 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"to grab and open out"
Is there any good reason to have this gloss?

"open out"??

open out -
[INTRANSITIVE/TRANSITIVE] if something opens out, or if you open it out, it opens from a folded position so that you can see its shape
The buds on the trees were starting to open out.
She opened the map out on the table.

The expression "grab and open out" implies that "open out" is transitive, so I guess it's supposed to mean "to grab something that is folded up and unfold it so that it can be seen what is inside".

That doesn't really fit with examples of usage like LA's 「揪出病因」、「揪出洩密者」。
Or see J.

Maybe if you changed "open" to "pull" or "drag" then it'd make some sense:
"to grab (the bad guy) and drag (him) out (from his lair)"

揪 actually doesn't just mean "seize". According to LA, there's an element of pulling/dragging: 捏住、抓住並用力拉。
- 揪出 揪出 [jiu1 chu1] /to grab and open out/to uncover/to ferret out (the culprit)/
+ 揪出 揪出 [jiu1 chu1] /to uncover/to ferret out (the culprit)/
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