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Change log entry 65236
Processed by: richwarm (2018-02-23 02:13:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61841 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
The heading 引証解釋 occurs in quite a few baidu entries (e.g. the one for 仙家 at https://baike.baidu.com/item/仙家/2835699).
de Francis, ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary gives 'v. cite as evidence', p. 1163, col. 1 (bottom entry).

In brief: We have that word already.

In detail:
1) The pinyin is wrong. It's [zheng4], not [jia1].

2) The traditional form usually used is 引證, not 引証.
Google Verbatim results:
引證 - 179k
引証 - 26k
Also, ABC (and other dictionaries) give 引證 as the trad form:
引證[-证] ¹yǐnzhèng* v. cite as evidence

3) We have an entry for 引证 already:
引證 引证 [yin3 zheng4] /to cite/to quote/to cite as evidence/

4) We also have another entry which implicitly covers the trad form 引証:
証 证 [zheng4] /to admonish/variant of 證|证[zheng4]/
# 引証 引证 [yin3 jia1] /to cite as evidence; exemplary quotation/
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