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Change log entry 65233
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-02-21 19:31:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61773 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
GF ~ 對決。多指單人(單個)對單人(單個)的決賽(英Player Killing[網絡遊戲“廝殺”]的縮寫)。



"In Taiwan at least, PK refers to a competition or showdown, or the verb "to compete," ... "你有沒有種來PK?" "

"PK in modern Chinese internet usage means vs. Sometimes it seams to mean compete when used in a sentence."

"A very common expression in China nowadays is "PK". It most likely comes from "player killer" in "Counter-Strike" and other popular video games in net cafe culture (though there are competing theories of its origins) and means "to thoroughly dominate" or "to beat" in competition. "



- 不OK就來PK.
- 凯恩斯三大热带雨林PK,你投谁一票?
- 想和兄弟,闺蜜PK 一下吗?
- 澳洲各城市生活成本和收入大PK
- 中日韩美食大PK
- 女人如何PK男人
- 中美两国性教育大PK
+ ! PK PK [P K] /(slang) to take on/to challenge/to go head to head/showdown/
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