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Change log entry 65220
Processed by: richwarm (2018-02-18 22:20:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60999 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
1. variant reduction

2. 台词 is not script; I imagine 'dialogue' would be more fitting (didn't really check)

3. 'unspoken words...' . That appears in other dicts; a totally opaque def to me. 'subtext' is what comes to mind.
- 潛臺詞 潜台词 [qian2 tai2 ci2] /unspoken words in a play (i.e. unambiguously hinted at, but not spoken)/
+ 潛臺詞 潜台词 [qian2 tai2 ci2] /unspoken dialogue in a play, left for the audience to infer/subtext/(fig.) implicit assertion/
- 潛台詞 潜台词 [qian2 tai2 ci2] /unspoken words in a play (i.e. unambiguously hinted at, but not spoken)/
- 臺詞 台词 [tai2 ci2] /an actor's lines/script/
+ 臺詞 台词 [tai2 ci2] /an actor's lines/dialogue/Taiwanese word/
- 台詞 台词 [tai2 ci2] /an actor's lines/script/
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