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Change log entry 65217
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-02-18 18:05:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61808 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"loneliness" isn't part of the meaning of the word.

He began by posting the story-based on his own love-life-in installments on a BBS, as a distraction from the pressure of writing his thesis.

To overcome this impasse and dispel the anxiety it causes,

It helps her "out of her funk."

LA ~ (藉由某事)​消除、排解(不愉快)​。
例 「他靠運動來排遣鬱悶的心情」。
- 排遣 排遣 [pai2 qian3] /to divert oneself from loneliness/
+ 排遣 排遣 [pai2 qian3] /to divert oneself from (loneliness, grief etc)/to dispel (negative thoughts etc)/
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