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Change log entry 65165
Processed by: vermillon (2018-02-09 09:42:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61578 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
LA (and other C-C dicts) say that 一神教 is a *class of religions*, whereas "monotheism" is the *doctrine or belief* that those religions have in common.

TP ~ 長久以來,史學家將西亞一帶視為一神教的故鄉,三大一神教信仰都發源於此,回教則是其中最年輕的一個。
For a long time historians have seen West Asia as being the cradle of monotheistic religions. The three major monotheistic religions originated there, with Islam being the most recent.


On the other hand, GR says 一神教 can mean both "monotheistic religion" and "monotheism", and that seems possible, so perhaps we should keep "monotheism" as well.
# 一神論 一神论 [yi1 shen2 lun4] /monotheism/unitarianism (denying the Trinity)/
- 一神教 一神教 [yi1 shen2 jiao4] /monotheism (belief in a single God)/
+ 一神教 一神教 [yi1 shen2 jiao4] /monotheistic religion/monotheism/
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