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Change log entry 65157
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-02-08 16:10:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61751 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
See M.

TP ~ 曾經鬱卒到想改名字改運的陳界仁不免無奈地笑著 說:「我這是從國外紅回 國內了!」
Chen, who was once so despondent that he considered changing his name, gives a helpless smile and says: "I made it abroad before I could start to make it back here!"

[Since water is the Chinese element that indicates wealth, many business people like to keep fish tanks.]
> Since fish tanks help you change your fate when something bad is expected, and otherwise help to attract money, they are perennial hot sellers.

Minglixue-the field of knowledge covering fortune-telling, auspicious symbolism, numerology, astrology and the like-offers many traditional means to redirect fortune,

changing their luck (through changing one's name or dress, getting a new seal carved, or splashing on some holy water)

and a flood of books have come out on changing one's name and with it one's luck

As to whether it will bring good luck, he says it is still too early to tell, but believes that things will change for the better.

Can changing your name really change your luck?

Web ~ 原来手机号码中暗藏着这样的玄机,不仅可以改运,还可以看出你的性格特点、人际关系、人生运势、健康状况和财富收入,太神奇了![...] 比如“54993488”这样一组数字。粗看好像还不错,感觉88这两个数字就是吉利的。
+ 改運 改运 [gai3 yun4] /to alter one's fate/to improve one's luck (e.g. by changing one's name or phone number)/
By MDBG 2024
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