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Change log entry 65127
Processed by: richwarm (2018-02-05 12:10:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61709 >>

Editor: You haven't given an example where 空间 means "personal space" and as far as I know, you'd have to say 个人空间 to convey that. So I'm going to leave that out of the definition of 空间. But I'm going to tweak the definition a little to try to improve it.
- 空間 空间 [kong1 jian1] /empty space/room/outer space/space (physics, math.)/(fig.) scope/leeway/
# + 空間 空间 [kong1 jian1] /empty space/room/outer space/space (physics, math.)/(fig.) scope/leeway/ Personal space/
# Editor:
+ 空間 空间 [kong1 jian1] /space/room/(fig.) scope/leeway/(astronomy) outer space/(physics, math.) space/
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