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Change log entry 65035
Processed by: vermillon (2018-01-23 08:31:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61611 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think
- "teach" is misleading because it's not "teach" as in "I teach math" (for example)
- "coach" is even more misleading -- "coach" is used limited contexts (such as sports), and these do not correspond to the contexts in which 任教 is used
- "hold a teaching post" is a better way of putting it than "work as teacher"

TP ~ 現在任教於國立藝術學院舞蹈系的張中煖說。
is now teaching in the Department of Dance at the National Taiwan Academy of the Arts.

For example, having teachers who had taught at Taipei First Girl's School or Chienkuo High School,

teaches at Gateway Community Technical College in the US

Though most of the writers of primary school textbooks teach in schools, they have different levels of experience, and classroom teachers don't always agree with the writers' ideas.
- 任教 任教 [ren4 jiao4] /to teach/to coach/to work as teacher/
# + 任教 任教 [ren4 jiao4] /to hold a teaching post/
+ 任教 任教 [ren4 jiao4] /to hold a teaching position/
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