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Change log entry 65034
Processed by: richwarm (2018-01-22 22:45:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61598 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Often, it's not a Chinese character, but rather a non-Chinese word.

The great Greek poet Homer was the first to use the word "elephas" for ivory which is the origin of the English word "elephant."

The Arabic word for "Islam" comes from the word "peace" or "making peace."

And isn't that in line with the original Greek word for "school," "schole," meaning "leisure"?

When he couldn't find a word, he turned to the Oxford English Dictionary, which includes etymologies of words in Western languages

The ancient Chinese character for "friend," for instance, consisted of two hands clasping each other, thus reifying the abstract notion of friendship. The Chinese characters dan and mu, "daybreak" and "eventide" respectively, similarly evolved from pictographic origins: dan (旦) shows a sun rising slowly above the plain while mu (暮) shows the sun sinking back again. Understanding the history and development of characters helps the writer cultivate a greater feeling for them.

Wp ~ 鋯石(英語:Zircon)的英文字源來自波斯語:زرگون‎(zargun),字面意思為金色之光。

Wp @ 囧
字源 : 囧是「窗」的象形字。

Editor: following discussion
- 字源 字源 [zi4 yuan2] /Chinese character etymology/
# + 字源 字源 [zi4 yuan2] /etymology of a Chinese character/etymology of a non-Chinese word/
+ 字源 字源 [zi4 yuan2] /etymology (of a non-Chinese word)/origin of a character/
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