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Change log entry 65031
Processed by: vermillon (2018-01-22 21:22:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61619 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Tweaking the def a little and suggesting the deletion of 何苦呢 as a construct.

TP ~ 況且賺的錢也不如外界想的那麼多,那又何苦讓自己的青春歲月在勞苦中度過?
besides, I really don't make as much money as people think, so what's the point of spending my youth slaving away like this?

If they have no interest in studying, why do they work so hard to get into university in the first place? Just to meet the expectations of their parents or other people? It's just a waste of four years of time and money!

J ~ Why do you take offence at a stupid joke?

editor: following discussion
# - 何苦 何苦 [he2 ku3] /why bother?/is it worth the trouble?/
# + 何苦 何苦 [he2 ku3] /what's the point of ...?/quite unnecessary/
- 何苦呢 何苦呢 [he2 ku3 ne5] /why bother?/is it worth the trouble?/
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