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Change log entry 64974
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2018-01-15 18:23:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61591 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"fringes" is wrong.

In the US it's "bangs" (usually plural).
In British English, it's not plural ("fringes") but rather singular ("fringe").

MW @ fringe
chiefly British : bang : "wears her hair in a fringe"

MW @ bang
the front section of a person's hair when it is cut short and worn over the forehead —usually used in plural : "wore her bangs short"
- 劉海 刘海 [liu2 hai3] /bangs or fringes of hair/
+ 劉海 刘海 [liu2 hai3] /bangs/fringe (hair)/
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