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Change log entry 64971
Processed by: richwarm (2018-01-15 08:04:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61497 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) "State of the Union, in the United States, [is] the annual address of the president of the United States to the U.S. Congress."
That's 國情咨文, not 國情.

Locke himself best summed up his symbolic importance in his response to the State of the Union. "My grandfather came to this country from China..."

See also Wp and BB @ 国情咨文.


2) 國情 can refer to the "current state of the country". That's what it means in 國情咨文, for example.


3) Our current def is like most C-E dicts, which tend to repeat the 1978 ACE definition: "condition (or state) of the country; national conditions".
However, a more common meaning is missing from these defs.
The meaning I'm referring to is more to do with the *character* of the country than its current state.

Z's definition is 一个国家的社会性质、政治、经济、文化等方面的基本情况和特点
The defs in C-E dicts fail to reflect the 特点 part of that def.

Another def starts off like this: 一个国家的社会性质 ...

BB distinguishes two senses of 國情:

And here is Wp's article on 國情:


Moreover, the national attitude is different [from the US]. In Taiwan, continuously stressing to employees the importance of obeying the law and the seriousness of breaking it makes employees feel that they are not trusted.
(That's not a comment on the current state of the country.)


Because conditions differ from land to land, not every developed country can rescue the changing family by means of public policy.

Well, every country is different. What works in France or in England obviously doesn't work here [in the United States].

The Malays, Chinese, and Indians are the three ethnic ingredients that make up the unique nation and culture that is Malaysia.

Because of Taiwan's unique cultural and national ideologies, Taiwan's NPOs have several things that make them stand out from their cousins abroad.

How should we develop an earthquake warning system that is appropriate to Taiwan?

Many argued that international human rights organizations were failing to respect Taiwan’s local conditions and culture, and to take into account the feelings of its people.


4) I don't think the old ACE gloss "national conditions" is much good.
It's not a common collocation in English, and it's not clear exactly what it refers to.
It certainly doesn't sound like a reference to the *character* of a country.
- 國情 国情 [guo2 qing2] /current state of a country/national conditions/(US) State of the Union/
+ 國情 国情 [guo2 qing2] /the characteristics and circumstances particular to a country/current state of a country/
+ 國情咨文 国情咨文 [Guo2 qing2 Zi1 wen2] /State of the Union Address (US)/
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