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Change log entry 64895
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-12-24 08:46:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61489 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) trad 秋 doesn't mean "a swing"

2) 鞦韆 doesn't mean "seesaw". That's a totally different piece of playground equipment.

3) 鞦韆 doesn't specifically mean "trapeze".

4) "swing" has many senses. Here are the first three of 13 senses in AHD:
1. The act or an instance of swinging; movement back and forth or in one particular direction.
2. The sweep or scope of something that swings: The pendulum's swing is 12 inches.
3. A blow or stroke executed with a sweeping motion of the arm.

So I added (seat hung from a frame or branch).
(The component characters of 秋千 don't give much of a clue as to which sense of "swing" is relevant.)
- 韆 千 [qian1] /a swing/
+ 韆 千 [qian1] /see 鞦韆|秋千[qiu1 qian1]/
- 鞦 秋 [qiu1] /a swing/
+ 鞦 秋 [qiu1] /see 鞦韆|秋千[qiu1 qian1]/
- 秋 秋 [qiu1] /autumn/fall/harvest time/a swing/
+ 秋 秋 [qiu1] /autumn/fall/harvest time/
- 鞦韆 秋千 [qiu1 qian1] /swing/seesaw/trapeze/
+ 鞦韆 秋千 [qiu1 qian1] /swing (seat hung from a frame or branch)/
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