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Change log entry 64894
Processed by: richwarm (2017-12-23 21:37:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61485 - submitted by 'gwest9' >>
The least common meaning should be "swing". More common as thousand. Also, this is a surname Qian, for which notation of that fact was missing.

Editor: You're misreading this entry:
韆 千 [qian1] /a swing/

It's about the character 韆.
韆 doesn't mean "thousand", even though its simplified form is 千.
This is the 千 that appears in the word 秋千, not the 千 in 千字节.
# - 韆 千 [qian1] /a swing/
# + 韆 千 [qian1] /a swing/thousand/large quantity/surname Qian/
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