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Change log entry 64799
Processed by: richwarm (2017-12-04 22:41:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61295 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
the def doesn't make much sense, does it?

English dicts are mostly like
"to offer official posts and make lavish promises"
(which probably was an influence here)

it seems to be about promises, right?
but other dicts are not quite so definitive:

in fact the expression is a bit confusing. If you take 許願 as "promise", /to grant official positions and make promises/ is strangely unbalanced.
Look at L's examples:
1. making promises is not a big sign of gvt corruption, while actually giving benefits would be
2. why would he pledge to not make promises *after he* is elected?

the following examples follow the same pattern:
* 卸任在即 美国总统奥巴马也加紧“封官许愿”
(he is leaving office, what promises could he make?)


so I chose a non-committal wording ("to offer")
- 封官許願 封官许愿 [feng1 guan1 xu3 yuan4] /to confer an official position with lavish promises/to buy support/
+ 封官許願 封官许愿 [feng1 guan1 xu3 yuan4] /to offer official positions and material benefits in order to buy people's allegiance/
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