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Change log entry 64775
Processed by: richwarm (2017-12-02 23:20:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61247 - submitted by 'rbk0n9' >>
飞跃道 isn't really used outside Hong Kong, whereas the loanword 跑酷 is more universal.
- 飛躍道 飞跃道 [fei1 yue4 dao4] /parkour, French sport invented by David Belle in 1980s, with the aim of efficiently traversing obstacles in the environment/
# + 飛躍道 飞跃道 [fei1 yue4 dao4] /parkour, preferred term in Hong Kong, French discipline developed in the 1980s, with the aim of self-strengthening and efficiently traversing obstacles in the environment/
+ 飛躍道 飞跃道 [fei1 yue4 dao4] /parkour (HK)/
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