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Change log entry 64590
Processed by: ycandau (2017-11-11 13:19:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 61114 - submitted by 'kevinmaynard' >>
This phrase (which occurs in at least one Chinese border poem: 從軍行 by 薛蕙) originally occurs in the Ban Chao's biography History of the Later Han. (It took me ages to work out its meaning. "Onion snows" makes no sense at all. The Ban Chao allusion was tracked down via Google. A reference to this general, who fought so successfully on the other side of the Han border, is deliberate.) This is the original passage in its entirety: 論曰時政平則文徳用而武畧之士無所奮其力能故漢世有發憤張膽爭膏身於夷狄以要功名多矣祭肜耿秉啓匈奴之權班超梁慬奮西域之畧卒能成功立名享受爵位薦功祖廟勒勲於後亦一時之志士也贊曰定逺慷慨專功西遐坦歩蔥雪咫尺龍沙〈蔥領雪山白龍堆沙漠也八寸曰咫坦歩言不以為艱咫尺言不以為逺也〉慬亦抗憤勇乃負荷〈左傳曰其父析薪其子弗克負荷言勇能繼超之功業〉 Since the collocation of these two characters may stump someone else, I thought you might consider including my gloss. But it's probably just too obscure. None of my Chinese dictionaries have been any help at all.

"it took me ages"
1. the passage reads : 戈船下厲水,䇿馬踰葱雪。
(note: 䇿 is a wrong character here; 厲 might be)
symmetry of the verses makes it clear that 葱 is a name. Moreover, it's usual in poetry to use a single char for a name.
2. 葱岭 is the 2nd entry when I search for 葱 in cedict with my personal tool.
3. googling for “葱雪” 譯文
gives me at once (baidu)
# 蔥雪 葱雪 [cong1 xue3] /"the snows of Congling"/
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