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Change log entry 64051
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2017-07-16 08:28:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60690 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. There are no entities called "Taiwan Independence" or "Taiwan Independence Movement", so the only word that should be capitalized here is"Taiwan".

2. 台独 usually refers to the notion of Tw independence rather than the movement in support of Tw independence.

But by this time the scope of attention had broadened beyond the question of Taiwan independence.

Taiwan "has absolutely no need for, and cannot possibly choose, the path of so-called 'Taiwan independence.'"

3. It can even be a verb: "to make Taiwan an independent country":
- 認為內中不但表示不台獨,甚至也不提重返聯合國之事,
- 指蔡英文试图保证不台独!
- 政府已經宣布了只要不台獨、不共產化,任何合理的條件都可以 ...
- 至于台不台独我们真的不好说。
- 我認為,台灣不台獨了,民國就沒地方存在了。
- 台獨 台独 [Tai2 Du2] /Taiwan Independence (movement)/abbr. for 台灣獨立運動|台湾独立运动/
+ 台獨 台独 [Tai2 du2] /Taiwan independence/(of Taiwan) to declare independence/
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