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Change log entry 63769
Processed by: ycandau (2017-06-12 18:03:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 60298 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
several sites online tend to translate it as "binge-watch", but i'm not sure it's right?

to binge-watch means to watch lots of episodes of a tv show one after another, yet 追剧 seems to be mainly about following the airings of a show closely, i.e. you'll be in front of the tv each time the show airs.

Q: 追剧什么意思?
A1: 正在看目前在ON檔的戲。尚未完結篇,每週或者是每天都要注意這齣戲的後續 所以要追,因此才叫追劇。
A2: 追剧就是每天在电视旁边算好时间掐着表守电视剧开播的行为。

- 刚刚看完第一季,决定追剧

i guess it could also be used as 'binge-watch' in certain examples, though:

- 舒凡雪说,热播的韩剧和国内一些古装剧她都喜欢看,晚上11点下班后,她就开始利用唯一的空闲时间追剧,一看就是到凌晨两三点
+ 追劇 追剧 [zhui1 ju4] /to watch a TV series etc regularly/to binge-watch/
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