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Change log entry 62865
Processed by: richwarm (2017-01-07 07:14:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58935 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) I think 人缘好 means "to relate well to other people" (or "to be congenial/personable/companionable") rather than "popular". I think 人缘 is not popularity as such, but rather a quality that tends to make one popular or well-regarded etc. As GR says "ce qui attire les gens à soi; ce qui rend sympathetique, populaire, etc. (p.ex. : l'amabilité, le charme, etc.)"

J ~ “最佳人缘奖” Miss Congeniality Award
[not "Miss Popularity"]

You must also be a good people person, always cultivating relationships with the people around you.
["good people person" isn't the same thing as "popular person"]

He was lively, witty, good-natured, and a pleasant companion.
["personable" doesn't mean "popular".]

relate well to people
[That's not the same as "popular"]
2) M's example is 「他的人緣向來很好,因此一旦遭遇急難,朋友都樂意幫忙。」
I think they are willing to help, not because he is popular (liked by many people), but because he's a nice guy (i.e. has formed warm relationships with some people -- not necessarily *many* people).
3) "popularity" is a "one-way" concept. It's about many people feeling positive about the person in question. A person can be popular without reciprocal feelings. He may not even be very familiar with some of those with whom he is popular.
人缘, on the other hand, is about "two-way" relationships (LA ~ 和他人往來、相處的關係。).
4) 由於霹靂找來民俗界人緣極佳的民俗學者策畫活動,
HEPP wisely invited ethnologists–who have wide connections in the field of traditional culture–to organize the event.
[These ethnologists have excellent connections -- they don't "have excellent popularity".]

奇佳的人緣,his knack for getting along with people
只知道自己「人緣」好,All he knows is that he has gotten along well with people,
最愛笑、最有人緣的寶寶 Miguelin is known for being very agreeable and for loving to laugh.
並請人緣和人脈俱足的姚瑞中擔任執行長一職 invited the sociable and well-connected Yao to serve as executive director.
難怪個性開朗,人緣超讚。it's no wonder that Yung-chuan is such a happy boy and gets on so well with others.
Editor: This sub attracted no comments from anyone, and various dictionaries (Key, PLC, NC etc.) give "popularity" as a gloss, but after reviewing the evidence, I still feel that "popularity" isn't right.

Here are two more examples from TP.

1) 兒子的個性又截然不同,從小人緣極佳,雖然聰明絕頂但不愛讀書,
Her children are like chalk and cheese. Her son is quite capable of developing good relationships with others, but although he is very clever, he isn’t interested in study.

2) 廟方布告欄清楚寫著月老專責:「人緣,姻緣,公關桃花,復合,長久,去除爛桃花。」儼然是常民諮商感情的便利站。
The temple bulletin board clearly delineates Yue Lao’s responsibilities: “interpersonal relations, marriage, ‘peach-blossom public relations,’ reunions, keeping relationships alive, and ‘plucking spoiled peach blossoms.’” His altar is practically a convenience store for relationship consulting.
- 人緣 人缘 [ren2 yuan2] /relations with people/popularity/
# + 人緣 人缘 [ren2 yuan2] /relations with people/
+ 人緣 人缘 [ren2 yuan2] /relations with other people/
By MDBG 2024
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