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Change log entry 62819
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-27 11:01:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59156 - submitted by 'conorstuart88' >>
形容顧及者少,遺漏者多。宋.文天祥〈與游提刑汶〉:「相望二千里外,明月此心,墾墾側釐,掛一漏萬。」也作「挂一漏百」、「挂一漏萬」。 http://dict.revised.moe.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cbdic/gsweb.cgi?o=dcbdic&searchid=Z00000071928

The sheer quantity of fine food in the area makes compiling an exhaustive list a daunting challenge.
# 掛一漏萬 挂一漏万 [gua4 yi1 lou4 wan4] /to be more miss than hit; to leave out more than you include/
+ 掛一漏萬 挂一漏万 [gua4 yi1 lou4 wan4] /to mention some but omit many others (idiom)/to leave out much more than one includes/
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