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Change log entry 62809
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-27 01:02:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59235 - submitted by 'jjbeard' >>
Timing, e.g. timing belt and timing wheels: http://baike.baidu.com/view/1115090.htm

Also seems to translate to "orthochronous", which makes sense from 正 and 时.

E.g. 正时的固有的洛伦兹 - Proper orthochronous Lorentz group
正时变换 - Orthochronous transformation

However it's not a common word at all with only about 4 Baidu hits for "orthochronous 正时“, and it could just be copied around from a single source or two. It's not my field and I don't have a better source, so I'll leave it up to the editors!
Editor: The traditional form is 正時, not 正旹.
For the sense of "correct", the tone on 正 is 4, not 1.

Wikipedia has the following examples of 正時.
可變氣門正時(VVT, Variable Valve Timing)
正時帶 Timing belt (camshaft)
# 正旹 正时 [zheng1 shi2] /timing (of an engine)/
+ 正時 正时 [zheng4 shi2] /timing (of an engine)/
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