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Change log entry 62803
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-23 06:17:55 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58534 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
- let's try to improve this one as well
- is "keep one's nose clean" accurate? as far as i understand the latter means "to stay out of trouble (esp. with the law)", while the chinese idiom seems to imply "not making mistakes in what one does" ...
- "to play it safe" comes to mind as a possible gloss, but i think it's not exactly it? though it might fit the following examples:
-> 企业高层现在注重于那些不求有功但求无过的目标,比如减少成本和改善资产回报,而不是侧重于新的并购。
-> 老师在课堂上总是教导我们,做医生要仁心仁术、大医精诚,还要有“不求有功,但求无过”的态度。医生的一只脚踩在医院,另一只脚踩在法院。

M: (諺語)不要求獎賞,只要求不犯過錯。指人辦事時消極保守以求自保的態度。
LA:〈諺〉不要求成就功績,只要求不犯過失。指人做事時採取保守謹慎的態度。例 「投資最忌躁進,不求有功,但求無過,寧可少賺一點,以免得不償失」。

- 在接替马谡前,王平一直以偏将副手形式出现,不求有功但求无过。
- 我们埋头苦干,这要求我们的工作永远不以保质准时完成任务为功,秉承低调敬业的服务精神,努力追求,不求有功,但求无过的工作目标。
- 杨鲁豫落马,抛开违纪的问题来看,他早已失去了主政一方的进取心,不求有功但求无过,面对矛盾不敢碰硬,不敢坚持原则。

He just did his job in a matter-of-fact way and was not to be interested in gaining merit, but only in avoiding making mistakes.
他在工作上进取心不大, 常常是不求有功,但求无过。

Forty years ago, literary giant Liang Shih-chiu said of women doing housework, "They don't aim for perfection, but they try to avoid mistakes." Among women who have been doing housework for many years, how does honor weigh in against dissatisfaction? What the numbers reveal ought to cause concern.
- 不求有功,但求無過 不求有功,但求无过 [bu4 qiu2 you3 gong1 , dan4 qiu2 wu2 guo4] /special achievement not required, just no hyperactive blunders (idiom); not hoping to acquire merit, just avoiding mistakes/Take it easy and keep your nose clean./
# + 不求有功,但求無過 不求有功,但求无过 [bu4 qiu2 you3 gong1 , dan4 qiu2 wu2 guo4] /not striving for merit, but rather trying to avoid making mistakes (idiom)/
+ 不求有功,但求無過 不求有功,但求无过 [bu4 qiu2 you3 gong1 , dan4 qiu2 wu2 guo4] /lit. not aiming to achieve the best possible result, but rather trying to avoid making mistakes (idiom)/fig. to take a risk-averse approach/
By MDBG 2024
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