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Change log entry 62797
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-22 01:11:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59026 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
quick usage scan from news headlines:
劳木:中国定海神针,南海翻不起大浪! 网易新闻
纳金仕途:API和EIA原油数据相差甚远 EIA成定海神针 环球外汇网
揭秘万科最大散户刘元生:被万科人称为“定海神针” 搜狐财经
《足球经理OL》活动:捉妖记 定海神针 新浪游戏
威尔士没有死神就彻底死了 大圣少了根定海神针 21CN

There's an English rundown of the origin of this phrase on wikipedia
which is what is used to pin down the ocean
Editor: Usage examples:

在中国海油工作的十年,张工结交了很多朋友,中国的、英国的、美国的、加拿大的、新加坡……遍布全球的“朋友圈”,让张工“代言”的中国海油应急服务在世界的舞台上有了更多话语权。而当他们提到张工,每个人都会微笑着竖起大拇指 :“张博士啊,那是你们的定海神针!”
In the ten years of working at CNOOC, Zhang Gong made friends with a lot people around the world: China, the U.K., the U.S., Canada and Singapore…In the oil spill emergency
response circle, COES gradually acquired a bigger say.All his friends, when talking about Dr. Zhang, could not help but holding their thumbs up, “Dr. Zhang is your stabilizing anchor!”





# 定海神針 # 定海神针 [ding4 hai3 shen2 zhen1] /lit. the Sea-Calming Gold-Banded Cudgel – which the Monkey King used to pin down the ocean / fig. stablizing force/
+ 定海神針 定海神针 [ding4 hai3 shen2 zhen1] /(another name for 金箍棒[jin1 gu1 bang4])/sea-calming cudgel, used by the Monkey King to pin down the ocean/(fig.) stabilizing force/
By MDBG 2024
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