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Change log entry 62795
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-21 09:55:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59004 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I'm sure there's a less cumbersome way of writing the def.
GR gives 有商有量 as an antonym for 自作主張 (which is something like "to march to the beat of one's own drum")
M: Give and take. Give is spelled g-i-v-e, and take; t-a-k-e. Give-and-take.

大家一定都知道Give是给的意思,Take则是“拿”,give and take有给有拿,引伸为“有商有量”,妥协折衷。Those who don't appreciate give and take are not likely to listen to others. 那些不喜欢妥协折衷的人不太可能听取别人的意见。在下面的例子中,我们要听一听,在夫妻相处之道中,是不是也需要一些妥协。

Do you negotiate with others or do you feel that give and take is a sign of weakness? 你会和别人妥协么?还是觉得和别人商量就等于服软?其实,遇事和他人有商有量,达成大家都喜欢的结果,对一个团队是非常有益的,


The consultation document, entitled Let’s Talk and Achieve Universal Suffrage [有商有量, 實現普選 ],

难道私下里已经和家人商量过了,就等着楼主过来了 如果一开始大家一起有商有量的就好了,



有商有量 : room for discussion
# 有商有量 有商有量 [you3 shang1 you3 liang4] /to talk things through and be willing to listen to the other person's views (idiom)/
+ 有商有量 有商有量 [you3 shang1 you3 liang4] /to talk things through (idiom)/to have an exchange of views/
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