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Change log entry 62772
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-19 05:31:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59270 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
"wordbook" is a single word (not two words) according to OED, MW and AHD.
"dictionary" seems to be better as the first gloss.

"wordbook" doesn't seem to be particularly appropriate -- I suspect it was inserted as a literal character-by-character mapping of 辭 + 書 onto a word that does exist in English and whose meaning is in the ballpark.

I suggest removing "making dictionaries" -- it's just a childish-sounding definition of "lexicography".
- 辭書 辞书 [ci2 shu1] /word book/dictionary/encyclopedia/
+ 辭書 辞书 [ci2 shu1] /dictionary/encyclopedia/
- 辭書學 辞书学 [ci2 shu1 xue2] /lexicography/making dictionaries/
+ 辭書學 辞书学 [ci2 shu1 xue2] /lexicography/
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