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Change log entry 62770
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-19 03:36:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58970 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Wp ~ "Remanufacturing is the rebuilding of a product to specifications of the original manufactured product using a combination of reused, repaired and new parts."

J ~ She hated to part with them, besides, her father wouldn't necessarily be willing to have new ones made for her!

"The code is transmitted through the telephone network to similar devices, where the documents are reproduced in close to their original form."

recycled glass,ie from old bottles

TP ~ 對研究人員來說,經過傳抄、再製的資料難免有錯,
Materials that have been copied and republished invariably have mistakes,

anything of which no new examples will be produced, and which reflects the experience of an era, may be regarded as a historical site

a company that uses recycled paper to make various kinds of paper boxes

Wines and spirits are generally divided into three types: fermented, distilled, and reprocessed.
[In reprocessed alcoholic beverages, such as plum liqueur or gin, herbs or other flavorings are added after distillation to enhance the flavor.]

The vinyl market consists mainly of the buying and selling of used records and the repressing of previously released albums, but sometimes the latter are newly remastered.

so the band recorded ploughs, whistles, and processed ambient sounds for use on the record.

Companies can manufacture plastic pellets from them, which can then be made into household products like plastic containers, mats and so forth.

As the items in the souvenir shop have exploded in variety, the museum has taken to making a distinction between "reproductions" and "adaptations." The regulations governing the reproduction of publicly owned artifacts define the term "reproduce" as the remaking of an item "in the original dimensions, original materials, original colors, and original appearance." In addition, Chin adds that "reproduce" in its strictest sense also means to remake an item using the original techniques.

別擔心,你的工作並沒有白做,大部分的資源垃圾都可以找到另一個差強人意的第二春,其中公認再製價值極高的寶特瓶,就可透過「Bottle to Fiber」、「Bottle to Bottle」等最新技術延續生命。
Don't worry, your efforts are not going for naught, as it is now possible to give most solid-waste resources a new life. Plastic bottles in particular, which can be remanufactured into products with considerable market value, are having their usefulness extended through new technologies like "bottle to fiber" and "bottle to bottle."

The resulting food has a texture very different from eggs that have been frozen and reprocessed.
- 再製 再制 [zai4 zhi4] /processed (food)/
+ 再製 再制 [zai4 zhi4] /to make more of the same thing/to reproduce/to reprocess/to remanufacture/
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