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Change log entry 62700
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-08 03:13:34 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 58592 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
It is often seen in Chinese context and is supposed to be an established notion in the West. Though I could not find any ready-to-use equivalent term in English.

- 市場形勢瞬息萬變的今天,只有遵守“契約精神”,才有助于成就一個井然有序的社會

- 正是這種契約精神,孕育了西方人的誠信觀念。他們認為,人與人之間與生俱來的天分和財富是不平等的,但是可以用道德和法律上的平等來取而代之,
+ 契約精神 契约精神 [qi4 yue1 jing1 shen2] /culture of honoring contractual obligations/
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