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Change log entry 62660
Processed by: richwarm (2016-12-02 21:05:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 59368 - submitted by 'yanbo' >>
just a simple little tag is what it is.
Editor: Nice find! It's not in other dictionaries. Thanks!
Line has examples like this:
这条牛仔裤的吊牌还在。The jeans still have the tag on.

TP ~ 在年興的倉庫裡,舉凡牛仔布、拉鍊、釦子、商標、吊牌,甚或衣架、縫線、塑膠袋,還有石洗牛仔褲的浮石,
# 吊牌 吊牌 [diao4pai2] /tag/
+ 吊牌 吊牌 [diao4 pai2] /tag/
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